Give me a call and let's plan to have dinner. How does popcorn sound?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Curse of the Corn!
I have an idea for a blockbuster horror movie, called the Curse of the Corn (or perhaps Revenge of the Natives, Drowning In Cornor Corn Karma). It is the story of an arrogant civilization discovering a new land and terrorizing its native people. Occupying the land in hopes of discovering many riches, like gold. What they find is a grain called corn. They kick out the natives and harvest the corn making it the staple of their new culture. Its harvesting is supplemented with tax dollars and grown in massive quantities. But, the native’s have “cursed” the corn and several generations later, the corn has come to life and started to seek revenge on its consumers. The people consuming it are stricken with cancerous diseases and swell to unsustainable sizes. They are bed ridden and unable to carry the burden of their own weight, yet they cannot stop eating the corn... What do you think? It’s great, lots of death, revenge, hubris and we’ll throw in some sex somewhere.
My inspiration, you ask? Well, tonight, while watching cable television for the first time in months I witnessed a commercial promoting the consumption of high fructose corn syrup. The slogan they used is, “it’s safe in moderation.” So many responses raced through my mind and my friends and I were in hysterics we were so shocked. Most of the “foods” on the shelf in your local grocery store contain high fructose corn syrup - I don’t believe it qualifies as moderation. And only one company sells the seeds and chemicals necessary for growing highly subsidized corn. Only one company owns the patent to the genetically modified corn that contains a dominant gene that takes over other varieties of corn. The high fructose corn syrup is a highly processed food. It retains almost none of the original nutrients of the “corn” it came from. It affects insulin levels and confuses the body so that it doesn’t know how to break down the fructose and pass it through the digestive system. It sticks inside of you and turns to fat, makes you tired and lazy and leaves you wanting more food because your body has not received the nutrients it was craving when it signaled to you that it was hungry.
How awesome that our buying power is strong enough to force the corn industry to spend millions of dollars to create pro-high fructose corn syrup ads. You make a difference everyday. Every time you go to the grocery store. Make the choices that represent what you stand for.
“You know what they say about high fructose corn syrup...” If you were to answer the way they do in the commercial, “what?”, then I suggest you check out the movies, Future of Food (free on Hulu), Food Inc.
If you have not read Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food
, then do. Check out the blog, Spread the word. Lobby your senators and congress people to stop supplementing the corn industry’s poisoning of the population. Be informed and stand up for your health and happiness.
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