Friday, September 24, 2010

Raw Milk

Check out this fantastic article from Harper's magazine in April 2008 about the dilemma of pasteurized vs. unpasteurized.  I'm pro unpasteurized of course.

The revolution will not be pasteurized: Inside the raw-milk underground

I LOVE raw-milk and drink it every day.  Here are some of my favorite treats.

Green Eggs and Cream

1 avocado
2 eggs
1/2 cup of raw-cream OR 1 cup of raw-milk
1 tbsp raw honey OR raw agave

Blend and go. Yummy.
I eat this one usually for breaksfast before ballet class.

Banana Chocolate Smoothie

1 banana
2 - 3 heaping tbsp almond butter (or any nut butter)
1 cup raw-milk
1 - 2 tbsp raw honey OR raw agave
1 - 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder

Put it all in a blender.  This is a great treat any time of day.

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